Party For Now
PARTY FOR NOW is a zine about my everyday life, the acceptance of death, the cycles of nature, and the dance between grief and awe. You know, the little things.
PARTY FOR NOW is my inaugural poetry collection! This first issue contains original poems and art that are primarily from the last year and a half of my life. These poems were largely written in response to chronic illness and a brush with a death sentence. Hopefully, it will be continued or expanded into later volumes or a book! This zine is lovingly hand folded and staple-bound on flecked cream cardstock paper. It is 5.5x8.5 inches, and 14 pages.
Pricing is sliding scale. This means you pick your price. You receive the same quality artwork no matter what you pay. This allows me to keep my prices accessible and sustainable.
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-For free local pickup in Minneapolis, add the discount code LOCAL to your order. You will receive an email with the pickup address and we will discuss a time for you to come by.